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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Review: Incarceron - Catherine Fisher

Rating: 4/5
Summary: In a prison thats seems to be a world of its own, in size and society, people are born and created with "recycled" metal parts. Finn can't remember his childhood but believes he is from the outside and sets off on an adventure to find his way out. On the outside, Claudia is the daughter of the Warden of Incarceron and is plagued by the mysteries her father hides from her of her life and the of the prison itself.
Review: I'm still a little on the fence about this book. Once I got into it I enjoyed the plot and characters, but the language and world felt so unusual I was uncomfortable reading for awhile. To explain it better, I'm convinced the author played Dungeons and Dragons (or something of the sort) a lot as a child and her brain was wired for that type of fantasy. Whereas, my brain is not quite so far removed from the current reality, and while I love fantasy and fiction, I had a very difficult time grasping all the terms and environmental details. It was incredibly well developed and fun to follow once I understood the concept. I wouldn't say this is a must read but it was an interesting book, and I'd definitely recommend it to those people who would enjoy a blend of science and historical fantasy.

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